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Everyday Skills to Simplify Adulting
Instructor: LeeLanguage: English
In this video, we explore the concept of "pivoting"—a term that has become synonymous with resilience and adaptability in today’s fast-paced world of startups and entrepreneurship. While businesses often pivot to respond to market changes, it's an equally crucial skill for individuals navigating life's challenges. Join us as we delve into: The significance of maintaining a central point around which we can adapt. Real-world examples of pivoting, from basketball players to aircraft and dancers. Personal reflections on the importance of finding our own anchors in times of change. Discover how pivoting from frustration, anger, or overwhelm differs from pivoting from agency, compassion, or integrity. Learn to identify your values, goals, and core beliefs that serve as your steadfast anchors. At Simplify Adulting, we believe mastering the art of pivoting is essential for leading a fulfilling and resilient life. 👉 How do you embrace pivoting in your journey?